Saturday, October 17, 2015

Unit 3 Reflection

       In this unit, I learned about the cell theory, what the cell organelles are as well as their purpose, photosynthesis, and cellular respiration. Our class has discussed many subjects throughout the time of learning Unit 3 and I understand clearly how a cell works for both an animal and a plant. Some essential understandings include the building blocks of a cell, their characteristics, how they react in different environmental conditions, and in different processes. My strengths in this chapter includes the history of cells and photosynthesis. My weaknesses are the organelles of the cells and cellular respiration. Though as a class, we worked diligently when doing labs and worked hard for the lecture notes.
       Comprehending the material for this unit was first difficult but now looking back at my notes, I now understand more on what I am having trouble with. The skills I learned throughout being a student in biology has improved more and more. Studying with my notes has become a simple routine each day. Finally being prepared with the material collected for the unit, passing the upcoming test will be a review for me. 
       I want learn more about the different purposes of the organelles inside a cell so I can enhance my skills and process the information when studying for the test. When I first looked at what we were learning for this, I had trouble with understanding cellular respiration and I still have a few issues with it. Hopefully I will answer this question as I soon look forward to the test. I wonder who made the names for the different building parts of the cell, I would like to research the person who did. My study habits include daily practice and quizzing for 30 minutes. This concludes the Unit 3 Reflection.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Egg Diffusion Lab Conclusion!

       In this lab we soaked an egg in deionized water and another egg in sugar water for 48 hours. Before leaving the fragile egg, my teammates and I took measurements of both eggs. We calculated the circumference and the mass. After waiting for the initial time, we analyzed our final observations and measured the circumference and mass again. Finally, everyone in the class shared their percent change of both solutions.
       Looking at the class data, the mass and circumference of the egg decreased due to the egg's hypertonic environment (sugar water). Taking a closer look inside the egg, the water inside leaves to go to a "high-low" concentration, though the solute outside can not enter due to being too big. This situation leads to the egg shriveling up since there is a smaller solvent inside.
       When the egg is being added to vinegar, later the shell of the egg will dissolve and the membrane becomes visible. This procedure needs to happen to complete thee lab in which now the possibilty of changing the cell  is attainable. Now when the egg is added to the solute, the egg will adapt and passive diffusion may occur throughout the egg.
       This lab demonstrates a biological principle which is the process of diffusion. Diffusion spreads particles in a faster manner throughout the cell membrane.
       When salting the roads, the plants will start to shrivel up due to being in a hypertonic environment. Though, when there are plants in grocery store, the fresh vegetables are sprinkled with water to keep a hypotonic environment for them which will make the plants more happy.
       Based on this experiment, I will use this information to test an egg in different conditions, and to test if the change is hypotonic or hypertonic. These tests will help my knowledge in ddiffusion, hypotonic, and hypertonic.

Friday, October 2, 2015

The Sp-EGG-tacular Macromolecules Lab Conclusion!

       In this lab we asked the question, "Can macromolecules be identified in an egg cell?". My teammates and I found out that some macromolecules will be present in different parts of the egg than others. For the polysaccharide test, results of adding iodine will turn the egg solution from brown to black. The egg membrane turned black so we gave it a 10 out of 10 for the color change. We concluded that polysaccharides are present in the egg membrane because there are carbohydrates on the surface of the cells. As for the egg white in the protein test, macromolecule will be present when the solution turned from blue to purple, it changed to a dark blue from the light blue. Based on previous knowledge egg white has the macromolecule, protein, located in there. As for a conclusion on quantitative data, my group and I gave it a 5, unsure for what happened in the test. In an egg, the embryo, aka the yolk, will eat the egg white because it is a protein that will help develop the organism. Finally, when my teammates and I tested the egg yolk for the lipid test, it turned from red to orange which meant that the macromolecule, lipid, is present in the egg yolk. For a final analysis, the transparent membrane surround the egg yolk is made of phospholipids. This information came from our lecture notes and lab. All of this data supports our claim because our class tested which macromolecules are present and we all discussed which ones are found in the different parts of the egg.
       While our hypothesis supported our data, there could have been errors due to the protein test in which there was not enough egg  in the test tubes so that test had to be re-tested. There was another possible error due to contamination when mixing the egg solutions with the same tool. Due to these errors, in the future experiments I would recommend to pay attention to what you are doing and double check with the instructions to see if you are doing the lab right.
       This lab was done to specify the the macromolecules in a more visual understanding way. From this lab I learned the the construction of an egg and the reasoning behind the macromolecules which helps me understand the concept of molecules and their purposes. Based on my experience from this lab I will use the data I have recieved and use that information to test other biological concepts.