Mutations could affect my life greatly. If a mutation were to be in me, I would not live the same, but that depends if it is a mental of physical mutation. If it were a physical mutation, it would not affect me as much as a mental mutation because I would not think the same and I would have a different education than everyone else. Tay- Sachs disease starts as a mutation that causes in which deterioration in nerve cells that affects a human's mental and physical abilities. This disease can be notified in the first 6 months of a baby and there are various symptoms to tell that a baby has the disease. This concludes the analysis of the Protein Synthesis Lab

Making a
protein requires multiple steps. These steps include the process in which
DNAtranscripts to
RNA then the RNA translates into a protein. The procedure of copying DNA to RNA is called transcription, this process is done to make the section of DNA copied by mRNA. In the second step of making protein, is when the mRNA leaves the nucleus to travel to a
ribosome in which it makes an
amino acid sequence. This chain of amino acids binds up to create a protein. This process is called translation and it is the final step of making a protein.

In step 7, I chose to do the mutation, Insertion. I did that type of mutation earlier in the DNA sequence to test if the location impacts the strand. I think that it did not change the sequence as much as the controlled mutation earlier in the lab but it still had great effect to the proteins. It sometimes matter where the mutation occurs but it depends on the type of mutation that is affecting the strand.

At times,
mutations in the DNA may occur due to chemicals being exposed to the DNA. There are some mutations that have no effect when making a protein but there are some mutations that completely change the DNA sequence in which it soon thens messes with protein synthesis. If the mutation occurs early in the section of DNA, it may have a larger impact. Though, that mostly depends on the type of mutation that occurs. I believe that the
Deletion as well as
Insertion has the most impact on the strand of DNA. The least impacted mutation to DNA is
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