Monday, April 18, 2016

Getting One Step Closer to Curing Color Blind Eye Deficiency #4

For the past week I have been improving and redesigning what the models may look like for my 20 Time project. I have learned more about my topic and I recently discovered what type of contact lenses I may use for the project. This is a super exciting project and throughout the time spent doing it I learned a lot more about myself and how efficient I can work on making a blueprint for the model. I have no setbacks at the moment because I finally solved my issue with the contact lenses. I plan on making a paper model due to the timing in which the project is due. Right now, I am finishing the blueprint for the model of the eye and the process is going fast. Hopefully I can get started on the model next week or maybe at the end of today. I can apply my project to the community because my idea of making contacts for color blind people will make an impact for others outside of school, etc. This concludes my blog post.

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