Saturday, April 30, 2016

My Inner Fish-Reflection

       In class we watched a video called, "Your Inner Fish" which talks about how humans evolved from fish. The Tiktaalik was the first fish-like creature to climb out of the water and explore dry land. I found this animal to be very interesting because it was the animal that every creature was based on. A question that I would like to go further in depth with is: "What are some of the forms the descendants of Tiktaalik evolved in their limbs"? They evolved with wrists and elbows to help themselves be propped up which is also found in reptiles and mammals. I wonder if the ancient creature went onto land once then went back in water then repeated this process until they shifted their limbs to help prop them up. It would be interesting if they already had these features before that because I would think that they would have adapted before hand. Another question is: "What is the 'Sonic Hedgehog' gene responsible for"? It tells different cells to do things(hands and digits). I found this gene very interesting because of all the scientific study that went behind to discover what actually makes your fingers. This concludes my reflection.

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