Monday, March 28, 2016

Getting One Step Closer to Curing Color Blind Eye Deficiency #3

Last week, I finished the first sketch for the first model of how an eye works and started with the another sketch for the second model. During that time I did more research for how contacts work and I am still not sure what type of contacts I will use for my project. With that, I was trying to find a diagram for what happens in the eye when there is this deficiency. What I learned from myself is that it takes a lot of research and time for this 20 Time project before you get an idea on how you should present your idea. The only setback I had was not figuring out what type of contacts would be necessary to cure this. Since I was not able to work on my project this week due to being sick, next week I will be continuing the sketch for the model. I can apply how other people feel about color blindness with my project because it gives me more motivation to work on the contacts.

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