Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Unit 8 Reflection

This unit was about change within a species and the geological history behind it. Some of the essential understandings in this unit include what is the difference between natural selection and evolution, another big topic was the constant change between a species (gene pool), also this unit discussed about speciation and how it affects a population, finally the origin of life was another essential understanding. From this unit, I want to learn more about Earth's past, and the things that contributed to what our world looks like today. From my previous blog post, I made a reflection for a timeline that my group and I completed in class. With that, I wonder what the first animals looked like on Earth and how they adapted to their environment. This topic interests me a lot and I think it is great to learn about evolution in biology class. From unit 7, everyone in the class, was shown a video on how to be assertive, from that I realized that I am becoming more assertive when working on group projects. Though, I still think that I may be a little passive because I usually do not take the role as a leader when working with more than one person. In the end, as a group, my teammates and I all show assertiveness and that really does bring our whole group together making us work more efficiently with the time provided. This concludes my reflection for Unit 8. 

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