Unit 9 my classmates and I learned about classification and evolutionary relationships of different organisms. Some essential understandings in this unit include how life is organized and the characteristics of the different organisms in their classified group. We classify these beings by the common traits in which they are dispersed in different groups all the way from kingdoms to the specific species. I want to learn more about the different kingdoms in the Archaea since that domain is very interesting. I wonder how ancient animals lived before the humans came since we made a lot of different animals extinct. Would they ever have a shortage of food?

This unit we did a presentation called
What on Earth Evolved (my presentation was about bananas)? This presentation was a learning experience for me since I did not do so well in front of the class. I have anxiety and this makes it harder for me to be less nervous and it makes me talk faster. I have not improved on my presenting skills since the beginning of the year and the only time where I feel less nerve-wrecked is when I know my classmates enough to feel comfortable and let loose. Everything else went well for my presentation other than this issue but from what I learned after speaking is that I should practice more and more so I can feel more comfortable.

I enjoyed learning about taxonomy in this unit and I have been studying for many days so I can be prepared for the upcoming test. This concludes my Unit 9 Reflection.
Alyssa, you've done so well this unit and I see you gaining a lot of confidence in yourself throughout this year. Keep up the hard work and trust in your abilities. This goes for presentations too. So don't let the anxiety trip you up. Preparation builds confidence and makes you feel more comfortable.