Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Candy Electrophoresis Lab Questions

1. Some of our dyes did not match the reference dyes including the yellow and blue dye. Though, the red and green dye somewhat matched the reference dyes. None of them ran in the opposite direction to the cathode, but some of the tested dyes were different sizes of the reference dyes. The red dye may be Betanin while the green dye may be Fast green FCF.
2. The two most similar colors of the tested dyes to the reference dyes were Betanin and Fast green FCF. They were similar because they were made of the same elements.
3. Dog manufactures may put dye in the dog food to make the illusion that there are different ingredients for each piece of food making it seem that the dog is eating more than one type of food(meat, veggies, corn, etc).
5. Two factors that control the distance the colored dye migrate include the length of the dye and the color.
6. Electricity (positive and negative), aka electrophoresis system, helps move the dyes through the gel.
7. The positive component (electricity) of the electrophoresis systems makes the dye run through the gel in the longer direction to that positive in which the negative will be on the opposites side of the box.
8. The smaller weights of DNA will move faster than bigger weights and that will separate them into specific groups automatically.

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