Friday, May 27, 2016

Unit 10 Reflection

In this unit, I learned about the different structures of the human body and their functions. In the human body, there are different systems to help function the body cavity and I learned a lot about the circulatory and respiratory system. I want to learn more about the endochrine system to get a better understanding on how it works since I do struggle a little bit. I wonder how it would be like if I were a fish because there is a different system for a fish and it will be interesting to experience that. I have developed into a better student from the beginning of the year. I have accomplished a lot with my studying skills for the class and hopefully I will be prepared for next year in Chemistry honors. My favorite posts from my blog has to be Invertebrates: Cnidaria. I like learning about different animals and what they do to survive and that is why this is my favorite blog post. This concludes my reflection.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Pig Dissection Relate and Review

In this lab, we dissected a pig and identified each system and part of the fetal pig. Throughout the process of cutting and slicing the piglet, I learned more about the anatomy of the specimen and their functions which will come in handy for the upcoming final next week. I did participate in cutting and finding the specific parts of the fetal pig which was difficult for me since it was hard to identify the organs and more. My group and I worked diligently with finding each part and in the end, we had to make a video tutorial about the specific structures of the pig and their functions in the body. We did have a set back on identifying the circulatory system of the pig, but luckily we did complete the requirements for the video (click below to see video). This concludes my relate and review.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Final 20% Time Post

1) The highlight of my project is creating an assistive device that would help get closer to curing color blindness. Encroma already made glasses to help color blind people see color but I presented an idea for my 20 time presentation to make contacts that will go on the eye, instead of over the eye.

2) Here is my TED Talk presentation:

3) Overall, my TED Talk was successful, but one thing that I would change is making my presentation more over about what I have done throughout the project. After watching myself in the video, I would grade myself a 72 out of 75. To reflect this whole process, one thing that I experienced is how much you research may not be presented in the actual talk. This was alright with me, yet I would still have liked to add more information. Continuing, my take-out from this whole experience levels off to what we can do to make society more sane or balanced. This just basically helps review homeostasis. Listening to other presentations, I have seen how some people work diligently on their project while others may have not worked as hard. This concludes my 20 Time Project.

Monday, May 9, 2016

20 Time Reflection

I challenged myself throughout this whole process of researching the different material to make a model or slides for my TED Talk. One specific thing that was challenging for me is finding what type of contacts would be necessary to make the product for color blind people. My goal is to get closer to curing color deficiency by making contacts that has the same information as EnChroma's glasses. I chose this challenge to help people that can not experience the world like the rest of the world can. Helping others is what I like to do and that is why I chose this challenge. My plan is to create eye contacts that bend the wavelengths of light the exact same way as EnChroma does for their glasses for colorblind people. This idea was the first idea that popped in my head and I definitely believed that I could have achieved making models but sadly I could not. Time for this project is hard to cope with and that is why I will not be making a model. I learned a lot about how the eye works and it makes me more interested in human anatomy. If I had the chance to do something differently, I would set goals that I could actually achieve. I would continue this challenge and share it to others that may work with me to complete this project.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Unit 9 Reflection

        Unit 9 my classmates and I learned about classification and evolutionary relationships of different organisms. Some essential understandings in this unit include how life is organized and the characteristics of the different organisms in their classified group. We classify these beings by the common traits in which they are dispersed in different groups all the way from kingdoms to the specific species. I want to learn more about the different kingdoms in the Archaea since that domain is very interesting. I wonder how ancient animals lived before the humans came since we made a lot of different animals extinct. Would they ever have a shortage of food?
       This unit we did a presentation called What on Earth Evolved (my presentation was about bananas)? This presentation was a learning experience for me since I did not do so well in front of the class. I have anxiety and this makes it harder for me to be less nervous and it makes me talk faster. I have not improved on my presenting skills since the beginning of the year and the only time where I feel less nerve-wrecked is when I know my classmates enough to feel comfortable and let loose. Everything else went well for my presentation other than this issue but from what I learned after speaking is that I should practice more and more so I can feel more comfortable.
       I enjoyed learning about taxonomy in this unit and I have been studying for many days so I can be prepared for the upcoming test. This concludes my Unit 9 Reflection.