Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Final 20% Time Post

1) The highlight of my project is creating an assistive device that would help get closer to curing color blindness. Encroma already made glasses to help color blind people see color but I presented an idea for my 20 time presentation to make contacts that will go on the eye, instead of over the eye.

2) Here is my TED Talk presentation:

3) Overall, my TED Talk was successful, but one thing that I would change is making my presentation more over about what I have done throughout the project. After watching myself in the video, I would grade myself a 72 out of 75. To reflect this whole process, one thing that I experienced is how much you research may not be presented in the actual talk. This was alright with me, yet I would still have liked to add more information. Continuing, my take-out from this whole experience levels off to what we can do to make society more sane or balanced. This just basically helps review homeostasis. Listening to other presentations, I have seen how some people work diligently on their project while others may have not worked as hard. This concludes my 20 Time Project.

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