Friday, May 27, 2016

Unit 10 Reflection

In this unit, I learned about the different structures of the human body and their functions. In the human body, there are different systems to help function the body cavity and I learned a lot about the circulatory and respiratory system. I want to learn more about the endochrine system to get a better understanding on how it works since I do struggle a little bit. I wonder how it would be like if I were a fish because there is a different system for a fish and it will be interesting to experience that. I have developed into a better student from the beginning of the year. I have accomplished a lot with my studying skills for the class and hopefully I will be prepared for next year in Chemistry honors. My favorite posts from my blog has to be Invertebrates: Cnidaria. I like learning about different animals and what they do to survive and that is why this is my favorite blog post. This concludes my reflection.

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